About Nova 401(k) Associates

20 Years and Counting
Nova 401(k) Associates is proud to announce we are still thriving after twenty years of service. Thank you to all of our customers!

A Thirst for Knowledge
ERISA is complicated, and the only way to understand it is to read it, there are no shortcuts. Fortunately, Nova 401(k) Associates has a thirst for knowledge! We love learning, and have committed to learning indefinitely.

A Digital World
Compliance work is tedious, and requires undivided attention. Such work is slow and error-prone. At Nova 401(k) Associates, we began leveraging technology on day one. We can now accomplish tasks more efficiently and accurately, allowing us to provide better service at a lower cost.

No Growing Pains
Our growth rate is off the charts, and we have no problem keeping up! How is that possible? Our proprietary automations have allowed us to scale in an effective, consistent manner.
More About Nova 401(k) Associates
We Get It. We Listen. We Communicate.