Problem #2 (cont): General correction principles

IRS Revenue Procedure 2008-50 includes general correction principles and some specific guidance for plans to use when a plan is correcting an operational error due to failing to apply a plan’s terms. The most fundamental correction principle for correcting operational failures is to try to put the plan back in the place it would have been had there not been an operational failure. In many cases (but not all), this principle gives us a pretty

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Problem #2 (cont): SCP vs.VCP

If an employer has failed to operate a plan according to its provisions, the plan must be corrected. Assuming the employer finds the error before the IRS, the employer can file under VCP. Additionally, under some circumstances the employer can self-correct the error without a formal filing. While employers are often initially drawn to self-correction, not all operational issues qualify for self-correction, and in some cases more correction options are available under VCP.

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Investment Banker as a Professional Employer

In 2010, there was an interesting PBGC Appeal Board decision regarding the definition of professional employer. An appeal was brought by a participant of the Compass Capital Partners, Ltd Defined Benefit Retirement Plan (the ‘Plan’) because the PBGC had determined that the Plan was not covered by the PBGC, and thus the participant was not eligible for benefits from the PBGC.

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What are the requirements to be considered a union retirement plan?

Union retirement plans are eligible for special coverage and non-discrimination testing rules. However, being a union retirement plan

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is not a state of mind. It is not sufficient for an employer to sit down with a leader from the employees and come to an agreement about the employee’s retirement benefits. There are specific requirements for a plan to be considered collectively bargained and a union plan:

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Problem #2: Failure to operate the plan according to its terms

ERISA and the IRC require that a plan have a written plan document that includes the plan provisions such as the eligibility, contribution amounts, distribution provisions, etc. Additionally, the plan document includes certain IRS provisions like age 70 ½ distributions. Plan documents explicitly provide all major plan terms, and it is generally unnecessary to establish a lot of administrative provisions interpreting or clarifying the plan’s

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